Baker’s Dozen Earns Perfect Score at Regional WV Social Studies Fair

Pictured from left are the students who scored a 100%. Front row: Marley Denham, Sydney Mlodzik, Addilyn Ellwood, Leana Roberts and Brynlee Griffith. Second row: Abby Allman, Lauren McGraw, Phoenix Wolverton, Lily Goddard, Kenzie Lyseski, Ella Allender, Addison Mlodzik and Gracelynn Welch.

Thirteen students from Marshall County Schools scored a 100% on their projects at the Northern Region West Virginia Social Studies Fair in Moundsville on Thursday. Approximately 105 participants in third grade through twelfth grade, in three divisions, gathered at the John Marshall Field House from public schools in Brooke, Ohio, Marshall and Wetzel counties and…

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All-State Chorus Concert Features 22 MCS Students

The chorus members are pictured from left. Row 1: Trevor Richards (CES), Avery Oliver (CES), Jacquelyn Hart (HES), Aubrey Gatts (HES), Everett Aubrey (HES) and Sara Kelley (WLES). Row 2: Gabrielle Dantrassy (GDES), Madison Burke (GDES), Jolyn Updegraff (CMES), Shasta Francis (CMES), Sydney Mlodsik (SHES), Brielle McClelland (MMS), Kadence Crawford (MMS) and Adalyn Bell (MMS). Row 3: Skyelynn Duymich (SMS), Jayde Carpino (SMS), Morgan Cooper (SMS), Abigail Clark (WLES), Kailynn Wesley (CES), Maylee Bartsch (CES), Nathan Gomez (CES) and Jaxson Rine (WLES).

Choral students from Cameron Elementary, Center McMechen Elementary, Central Elementary, Glen Dale Elementary, Hilltop Elementary, Moundsville Middle, Sand Hill Elementary, Sherrard Middle and Washington Lands Elementary represented Marshall County Schools at the West Virginia All-State Children’s Chorus Concert in Charleston during the 79th annual West Virginia Music Educators Association In-Service Conference. The chorus members are…

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Music In Our Schools Month Hits Milestone

Cutline: The Marshall County Schools Music educators are pictured with Dr. Haines. From left front row: Sue Lewicki, Leslie Tedesco, Dr. Shelby Haines, Tracey Filben and Kathy Fox. Middle row: Dawn Boyd, Laura Oswalt, Rachel Price (student teacher), Keenan Seditz, Eli Lambie, Christian Oliver, Julianna Perkowski (student teacher) and David Scherrick. Back row: Michael Murphy, Evan Williams, Stephen Oswalt, Joshua Garrett, Shaun Hancher, Justin Jones and Alex Talkowski. Not pictured: Ashley Elliott.

For 40 years, March has been designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) as Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM). The positive impact of music education in the lives of students lasts a lifetime. Therefore, ensuring equitable access to music education for the youngest members of our society—students—is paramount. To recognize this celebratory…

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Marshall County Schools Offering Summer Camp Scholarships

Marshall County Schools and Grand Vu logos with Marshall County Schools Summer Camp Scholarships written in black.

In partnership with Grand Vue, Marshall County Schools will be awarding 30 individual student scholarships to attend the Grand Adventure Leadership Camps this summer. Who is eligible? To submit your application for a scholarship to attend the Grand Adventure Leadership Camps at Grand Vue, please scan the QR code or click the link below and…

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Clue In to School Breakfast with National School Breakfast Week

Magnifying glass with Clue In to School Breakfast with footprints

To encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available with school breakfast, Marshall County Schools is celebrating National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) during March 3-7, 2025. Busy weekday mornings make it a challenge for many families to find time for a healthy breakfast. Fortunately, Marshall County Schools offers nutritious school breakfasts, complete…

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Marshall County Schools Provides Parent Coaching Program

Coaching for Parents written in black with the Marshall County Schools logo and the Parent logo.

Marshall County Schools is teaming up with to offer a free coaching program for its students’ parents or guardians. When you register, you will be connected with a parenting coach and therapist-created content to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting, free of charge. Learn more here:

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Marshall County Schools Teams with Salvation Army for Shield Against Hunger Food Drive

Salvation Army logo with Shield Against Hunger Doing the Most written in black and red.

Food banks across the region are experiencing increased strains on their pantries as the need for food assistance continues to rise. To help meet this need, The Salvation Army in Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel and Tyler Counties is partnering with Marshall County Schools, Ohio County Schools, Wheeling Catholic Central High School, The Linsly School, and WTRF…

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Marshall County Schools Celebrates Love the Bus Month

Pictured seated: Dr. Shelby Haines is flanked by MCS Safety Team members Douglas Brown and Dee Gamble. Back row from left are MCS Safety Team members: Kenny Richmond, Paula Carmichael, Kayla Kidd, Nadine McCardle and Ashley Becker.

February marks the month-long celebration of Love the Bus, a time to show gratitude toward the dedicated professionals who ensure the safety of students on their journey to and from school in Marshall County. This initiative is a meaningful way to recognize the diverse group of individuals, employed at Marshall County Schools, who make the…

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Mathletes Compute at Marshall County Math Day

Math Day written in white overtop of an abacas.

Students in 4th through 12th grade put their “mathletic” skills to the test during the annual Marshall County Math Field Day competition held on Monday, January 27, 2025, at Wheeling University. Approximately 150 students competed in categories ranging from mental math, mental estimation, measurement estimation and short answer. Participants also took a written test. Marshall…

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Lawyer in the School Program Available for Parents and Guardians

Legal Aid of West Virginia,'s Lawyer in the School with Marshall County Schools logo

Marshall County Schools is holding a monthly legal clinic at the BOE office. The Lawyer in the School program provides eligible parents and caregivers of public-school students the opportunity to receive free, brief legal information or advice from a lawyer. This service is thanks to Legal Aid of West Virginia. Questions? Call 304-232-1260 ext. 3223.…

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